Return to Savarain's hut. Did you return with the Ethernal Staff? Here's the link. Great job. Now I'm going to ask you to RS gold do some errands for me. Solar Guardian gives you a scroll. Then, meet me in Supernova's Hole. Now, Read the text and you'll find what you need.
5 Sets of Nightmare Logs. How to Get them: First, you'll require Dream Logs There are some on Solar Isle. Continue on the same path to Sayaniona’s Lair and continue to the room that is shared with Greater Sayaniona's. Retrace your steps to the back of the room, and squeeze through the unobvious crack-in-the-wall. There is a tiny bedroom, similar to OSRS buy gold one found in the Player Owned House. The bed is an optionto go to Dreamland.